Impressions from Our Guatemala Visit: Ellen Bona and Melissa Vlach
In August, Board member Melissa Vlach and supporter Ellen Bona traveled to Guatemala to get to know Kateri Fund staff and program participants. The week-long visit allowed them to talk with local leaders and women participating in the programs, hearing their perspectives first-hand.

Meeting with the Junta Directiva
Several members of the Guatemalan Junta Directiva (the Board of Directors for the Guatemalan non-profit) joined Melissa, Ellen, and U.S. Board member Marta Xicay for a meeting as part of continuing collaboration between the two Boards. The conversation included discussion of the mission of the Kateri Tekakwitha Fund, current strengths, as well as challenges, and action steps.
Carmela Paz and Candelaria Sut, both members of the Directiva as well as staff members, shared their experiences at this meeting and throughout the week as they introduced Ellen and Melissa to the programs and their participants.
"What I came to really understand is that Carmela and Candelaria really have a sense of pride and understand the importance of the reason they do this work," observed Ellen. "They really own the entire program and manage it very well."
Carmela was the Fund's first scholarship recipient and has since guided many women through their experiences with the Kateri Fund. "I feel very happy with the successes of the women," she shared.
Ellen noticed her commitment in the work that Carmela does. "Her drive, focus, passion, sincerity and energy toward the success of the women is really amazing."
Meeting with the Nursing Scholarship Students
Ellen and Melissa also met with both the nursing students and the interns during the week, along with the program coordinators. Karyn Choy, mentor for the scholarship students, shared about the work that she does to support the students both during their education and as they begin their careers.

The students shared their desire to show care and concern in their work, changing the perception of those who see nurses as grumpy and overworked. They all believe in the importance of nursing and want to have a positive impact in their communities.
"Sonia shared a story about a mother she was helping who didn’t trust the rural nurse with regards to vaccinations for her child," Ellen shared about the visit. "Sonia explained the importance of the vaccinations and calmly built trust with the mother so the child ended up receiving the vaccinations."
Intern Gathering
The interns met on the following day, one of their regular gatherings throughout the year. Time was provided for the women to talk about themselves, their internships, and their culture, giving presentations about things like traditional foods, clothing, and handicrafts.
The meeting began with each woman choosing an item representing what the Kateri Fund means to her and explaining that object to the others.
Nicolasa, an alumna who was present for the gathering, described herself as emerging from a cocoon to become a butterfly with the help of the Kateri Fund. "Now I am ready to fly," she said.
Isabel also used descriptive imagery, saying that the internship "is like a star that illuminated my life."
"It has been a great blessing in my life," shared Paula about the experience, displaying the beautiful artwork that she created to represent her sentiments. "Thanks to the internship, I have learned many things."
The graduates who were present told the current interns about their lives, the obstacles they had faced, and the work they were now doing. They shared tips, such as having a resume prepared and focusing on things like punctuality and meeting deadlines, as well as encouragement.
"We should take advantage of the opportunity that Kateri is giving to us," Vilma urged.
Visit to an Internship Site
Ellen and Melissa were able to see an intern in action the next day, when they visited Yensi at work at a nonprofit that supports the elderly in the community. The staff there had nothing but positive things to say about the work that Yensi was doing and the collaboration with the Kateri Fund.
"We are very proud, also, and we congratulate you as an organization for opening doors for each person who wants an opportunity," stated Santiago, a staff member at the organization.

Looking Ahead to the Future
Ellen and Melissa left with a renewed sense of the importance of the Kateri Fund programs after hearing individual stories throughout the week.
The women "are driven, passionate, focused, fearless trailblazers in a culture that doesn't really value education for girls and women," Ellen described.
The local leaders also demonstrated a belief in the programs' importance and a commitment to continuing the work. Candelaria shared that her experience with the Fund signified freedom, like a dove. "It showed me that I have to arrive at a goal," she said.
Reaching those goals remains important to the leaders of the Kateri Fund as we look ahead to the future and plan for how to support the talented women in Guatemala.